ORNL Developer Blog

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At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, we engage in software development and create cutting edge computational tools in diverse areas spanning across our mission space.  This developer blog hosts advice, source code recipes, and short technical announcements relevant to software development occurring in all directorates of ORNL.

Developer Articles

Collecting Atomic Datasets

There are many, many datasets of atomic structures out there. However, most of them define and use their own storage format. In this post, I'll go over how to import completed VASP calculations to ASE.db format.

Predicting Chemical and Material Molecular Properties With HydraGNN

This article walks through using HydraGNN to predict the energies, band gaps, and partial charges of small molecules including H, C, N O, and F atoms from the QM9 dataset.

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Contributing to the ORNL Developer Blog

We've launched this ORNL developer blog with the aim of pointing to tutorials, walkthroughs, training, and other technical documentation that gets cutting-edge software to work for you.